Reason behind Turkey-Saudi Arabia withdrawing from G-20

 Reason behind Turkey-Saudi Arabia withdrawing from G-20

China’s controversial remark against Kashmir has created tensions, leading to it, now Turkey and Saudi Arabia are withdrawing from G-20.

Jammu and Kashmir Issue :

Historical G-20 conference to be held in Jammu and Kashmir in India Where the external forces are trying to encircle India. Now China has distanced itself from the conference by calling Kashmir a highly disputed area.

Press Trust of INdia or PTI has reported that Turkey and Saudi Arabia have not yet expressed their willingness to participate in the G 20 conference.

Our neighbor Pakistan has already created a ruckus regarding the Kashmir conference. It is
now clear from the steps of China and The Gulf countries that outside forces are trying to do
politics in Kashmir.

The world is aware of the state of doubt that China is making but we don’t know the reason for
Turkey and Saudi Arabia has no comments of whether they will Come for the conference or not.

Saudi Arabia and Turkey have not registered yet :

Both Saudi Arabia and Turkey have not registered the G-20 Tourism Working Group for the meeting to be held in Jammu and Kashmir.

China has expressed their point of view, according to a PTI report, Chinese foreign ministry spokesperson Wang Wenbin says “China firmly opposes holding any kind of G-20 meeting on disputed territory, We will not attend such meetings.”

Both Turkey or Saudi Arabia have remained tight-lipped about their participation, so till now they have not released any official word. India’s Union Tourism Secretary Arvind Singh informed that the registration can be done till May 22.

Countries that have registered :

Guest countries and many international organization representatives are also invited along with G-20 members, i.e.Bangladesh, Egypt, Mauritius, Netherlands, Nigeria, Oman, Singapore, Spain and UAE. {All counties Except Egypt have registered to send representatives}.

Members of G-20 :

India, Argentina, Australia, Brazil, Canada, China, France, Germany, Indonesia, Italy, Japan, South Korea, Mexico, Russia, Saudi Arabia, South Africa, Turkey, UK, US, and EU, are the members of G-20.

Why are objections placed by Turkey and Saudi Arabia?

Turkish president Erdogan who previously supported pakistan many times regarding Kashmir issue, even during his address on February 2020, at Pakistan parliament referred Kashmir as important for Pakistan as it is for Turkey.

In the year 2019, Turkey has lodged a protest over the abrogation of article 370, in reply India bluntly said that its an Internal matter, and won’t tolerate interference from any other country.

Although Gulf Country Saudi Arabia had not given any response in this matter but they have been also friendly to Pakistan.

Pakistan is not a member of G-20 :

Pakistan has expressed their objection regarding the G-20 conference in kashmir but india has ignored it as Pakistan is not a part of G-20 member. And also pakistan has been ranting kashmir in different platform, but india has totally ignored them.

Why the G-20 meeting is important for india :

This G-20 conference in Srinagar is the first major event in Jammu and Kashmir, since the abolishment of Article 370 and dividing the Jammu and Kashmir and Ladakh as two union

Hena Nair

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